About Us
Hello, I’m Erik and I established Simplified Data Solutions, LLC as a vehicle to help businesses of all sizes put their data to work. Having close relationships with small business owners, a love for teaching and connecting with people, and a background in mathematics, statistics, business, and data is what drives my passion for helping others. I love people, business, and data, in that order.
In addition to a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, and a Masters Degree in Business Administration, I have 25 years experience in people-driven leadership: teaching, training, entrepreneurial leadership, staff leadership, project management, and culture building. My knowledge and skills are where people, business, data, and strategy converge, and that’s what you get when you choose to partner with SDS.
I’m here to help you ask the right questions and ultimately, put your data to work answering those questions. When you hire SDS, you are assured direct, personal attention every step of the way.